I’m excited to announce that Oz Fish and Game has been approved for Booktopia’s affiliate program! This is a free way for our viewers to support the website, while also getting a great deal on books.
How does it work?
Every purchase made through the Booktopia affiliate link will provide Oz Fish and Game with a small commission fee. This money comes from Booktopia’s profit and is not applied to your purchase price.
What will the funds be used for?
These funds will be used to maintain the free status of the website, create new educational content, and will financially assist our club in the pursuit of charitable status.
Why pursue charitable status?
Charitable status would allow Oz Fish and Game to apply for Government and community grants. In addition to this, if we were to be approved as a deductible gift recipient (DGR), it would allow hunters and fisho’s the ability to fund projects which directly benefit the environment and our community. These donations could then be claimed back on your tax return. It’s a win-win situation.
If approved for charitable status, what services would Oz Fish and Game provide?
The primary focus would be environmental conservation activities. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:
- creation of artificial reef structures,
- restoration of forests and farmland, and;
- conducting local clean-up days.
Secondary activities would include:
- provision of education and mental health support to members of the hunting, shooting, and fishing community, and;
- where possible, advocacy for access and rights.
This article is a quick summary of my future goals for Oz Fish and Game. If you would like to support this journey, please bookmark, use, and share our Booktopia affiliate link below. Thank you.