Australian Pig Doggers & Hunters Association

Location: Australia

About Us:

Increasing landholder concerns regarding legal liability issues, Workplace Health & Safety requirements as well as a deteriorating hunter public image (mainly due the depredations of a minority using hunting as a cover for criminal activities) prompted the formation of the Australian Pig Dogging and Hunters Association, Inc, commonly known as the APDHA, in 2005. As the name suggests, APDHA represents responsible and ethical hunters of all persuasions, but with an emphasis on those using well trained hunting dogs for feral pig control…As means of improving the likelihood of member access to hunting land was recognised as the primary objective, member benefits were principally tailored to address landholder concerns. Members exist in most areas in all states of Australia, excepting Tasmania. As the majority are recreational conservation hunters, they are more than happy to aid in feral pig control at no cost to landholders.

Training courses

Club registration info

Check out our social media content here:

The above information should be taken as a guide only. For further information, please contact the club directly. Please note: This club IS NOT affiliated with Oz Fish and Game, or our paid club membership – unless otherwise specified in the listing.