Game Hunters Association of Australia Inc

Location: QLD

About Us:


Safety – Safety all the time, every time. Diversity and Inclusion – We will build a diverse and inclusive community. Respect – We will show respect in all interactions. Honesty, Integrity and Trust – Through Honesty, Integrity and Trust we exemplify the values of the club.  Ethics and Accountability – We subscribe to a high standard of ethical and sportsman like conduct. We are accountable for every action and interaction. Conservation – We see conservation as an active process in which Hunting has a place. Education – Through education we continue to grow and create awareness. We seek to eliminate prejudice around hunting, replacing it with informed knowledge.   The Game Hunters Association of Australia (GHAA) is:
  • recognised by the QLD Police Service as an approved recreational hunting club for the purpose of licensing for Category A and B firearms and category M crossbows. ( Approval Number 79000008-01)
  • recognised by the NSW Police Service as an approved recreational hunting club for the purpose of licensing for Category A and B firearms (Approval Number 407745119)
  • approved by the NSW DPI as an approved hunting organisation thus qualified to train and accredit (with an “R class” licence) licensed hunters to hunt in NSW State Forests and Game Reserves under the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002. AHO number 11242
  • a diverse and inclusive group of people coming from a wide range of backgrounds and talents ranging from Academia and the Judiciary through to Public Servants and Tradesmen.
  • proud of the fact that over 25% of our Members hold a Family Membership

Training courses

Club registration info

Check out our social media content here:

The above information should be taken as a guide only. For further information, please contact the club directly. Please note: This club IS NOT affiliated with Oz Fish and Game, or our paid club membership – unless otherwise specified in the listing.