Gippsland Deer Stalkers Association

Location: VIC

About Us:

GDSA Contact info. Please address all future correspondence and membership via mail to Secretary “GDSA” 11 Tatyoon Close, Aspendale Gardens, Vic 3195 You can also join at any meeting. Anyone wishing to pay their membership dues ($50) by direct debit from their bank account can now do so by direct payment to the GDSA account. Full adult member and Family $50, Pensioner $20, Junior$10. BSB 033358 Account 558077 For membership enquiries please feel free to contact: [email protected] Membership is open to all forms of deer stalking. Meetings are held bimonthly, second Thursday of the month at the Tanjil South Recreational Hall – Night starts at 7pm with a BBQ – All welcome!

Training courses

Club registration info

Check out our social media content here:

The above information should be taken as a guide only. For further information, please contact the club directly. Please note: This club IS NOT affiliated with Oz Fish and Game, or our paid club membership – unless otherwise specified in the listing.