Shoalhaven Clay Target Club
Location: Sydney Region
About us
Shoalhaven Clay Target Club (SCTC) was originally formed in 1945 and was known then as the Nowra Gun Club. The club was then located at the Gladioli Farm on the corner of the Princes H/way and Cambewarra Road at Bomaderry. Our first President was Neil Boomer, the Trapper was Doug Vost (the trap “snipe” was hand operated). The annual subscriptions were 15 shillings (about $1.50). The Club operated until 1949.
The Club was reformed in 1952 at a new location – Brown’s Hill at South Nowra – and then in 1959 was again relocated to the rear of the present Nowra Showgrounds. The President then was Albert Vost.
In 1975 the Club was relocated to the Albatross Naval Air Station and renamed the Albatross Gun Club. The then President was Lt Cdr Jack Kinross and the Secreatary / Treasurer was PO Ian Reabein.
The Club eventually got its present name in 1980 and made its last move to Turpentine Road in 1991. Allan Spillman was the prime mover and is still involved with the club today. Permissive occupancy for the current range was secured by Alan Went from the NSW Forestry Commission.
SCTC now has 2 DTL layouts, 1 Skeet layout and an extensive Sporting range and a clubhouse with camping facilities available.
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month, with our major competition for the year being “The Misty Mountain”, which is held over 2 days comprising a 75tgt sporting on Saturday and a 100tgt Sporting event on the Sunday.
We end our year with a presentation for our members at our Christmas shoot.
Saturday: 1pm – Skeet
Sunday: 9am for 9:30am start – DTL or Sporting
Training courses
Club registration info
Check out our social media content here:
The above information should be taken as a guide only. For further information, please contact the club directly. Please note: This club IS NOT affiliated with Oz Fish and Game, or our paid club membership – unless otherwise specified in the listing.