The RIDGE Group

Location: QLD

About Us:

RIDGE (Research into Deer Genetics and Environment) was initiated in 1992 as a non-profit organisation with the aim of instigating a self funding, self regulating and sustainable management system for wild deer in Queensland.

The key initiatives advanced by RIDGE Groups are:

  • To research the impact that deer have on the environment and to develop and implement management strategies both solely and in conjunction with Government Departments or agencies and private organisations and individuals.
  • ​To identify the genetic path of Australia’s wild deer herds and develop and implement strategies to improve their potential and secure their future.
  • ​To promote the recreational, economic and historical value of deer.
  • To foster better relations between Government Departments, landowners and hunters.
  • ​To promote availability of hunting opportunities.

Training courses

Club registration info

Check out our social media content here:

The above information should be taken as a guide only. For further information, please contact the club directly. Please note: This club IS NOT affiliated with Oz Fish and Game, or our paid club membership – unless otherwise specified in the listing.