HSSA Member Muster

Location: Hervey Bay Region
Hosted By: Hunters and Shooters Society of Australia
Venue Name: Ku aba
Address: 188 Fairview Creek Road Lakeside Queensland
The HSSA Member Muster is an exclusive event for HSSA and NSC Genuine Reason financial members. Come to meet like minded people.

Come to the HSSA Member Muster to camp on our property Ku aba for the night.

Enjoy a camp oven dinner and a dessert while sitting by the fire talking with like minded people and trading hunting stories, in a friendly environment where bad jokes and half truths may be tolerated.

During the first afternoon there will be an opportunity for any person who would like to take the NSW DPI Hunter LEAP Course on; how to sight in a rifle scope, to do so (Limited to .22 rifle on the property). This course normally costs $100 if done outside of the Member Muster.

During the second Morning there will be an opportunity for people to undertake the NSW R Licence Course test for a reduced fee of $20! Which is a massive 50% off!

Attendance at the Member Muster is limited to ensure that the event remains within the Queensland Government Covid regulations and therefore is limited to financial members and one guest only.

Ticket Information:

Adult Ticket: $53.84
Child Ticket: $N/A
Family Ticket: $N/A

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