Mary’s Rabbit Pie

SERVINGS: 20+ individual pies
PREP TIME: 30 mins
COOKING TIME: 8hrs 30 mins

1 rabbit
2 litres of chicken stock
1 stick of celery, chopped
1 small carrot, sliced
1 onion, chopped
1 piece lemon zest
1 stalk parsley
1 bay leaf
1 sprig thyme
1 Teaspoon black peppercorns
1 tablespoon olive oil
100g smoked streaky bacon, finely chopped
150g button mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cup flaked almonds, toasted
1/2 cup parsley, freshly chopped
freshly ground black pepper
1 large slab of shortcrust pastry
1 large slab of puff pastry


150g butter
150g plain flour
1.25 litres reserved cooking liquid
100ml cream
juice of 2 lemons
freshly ground black pepper

Also works with:

Small game

Special equipment:

Slow cooker
Large saucepan or cooking pot
Simmer mat (optional)
Pie maker

  1. Prepare all raw ingredients as noted in the ingredients section.
  2. (Optional) Remove kidneys and liver from rabbit and reserve.
  3. Add rabbit, chicken stock, celery, carrot, onion, zest, herbs, and whole peppercorns to the slow cooker. Set temperature to medium and allow to cook for 6-8hrs.
  4. Allow rabbit to cool completely in stock, then remove and strip all meat from the carcass. 
  5. Cut the meat into small pieces and discard all bones.
  6. Strain the remaining cooking liquid and set aside. 
  7. Heat oil in a pan and lightly sauté bacon and mushrooms, then quickly sear reserved kidneys and liver.
  8. Chop kidneys and liver and mix with rabbit meat, bacon, mushrooms and almonds in a bowl. Mix in parsley and season well. Cover with plastic film.


  1. Cook the butter and flour over a gentle heat to make a roux* (thick fatty sauce) .
  2. Gradually stir in reserved rabbit stock until you reach the desired sauce consistency. Heat this mixture to simmering point.
  3. Add cream and lemon juice and simmer for 10 minutes, using a simmer mat to prevent sauce sticking (optional).
  4. Check for seasoning, then add enough sauce to meat to make a creamy, not sloppy, filling.
  5. Allow to cool completely.

Filling the pies:

  1. Thaw shortcrust and puff pastry.
  2. Once pastry has thawed, pre-heat your pie maker.
  3. Using your cutting template, trim the pastry into the appropriate size:
    • Large cutting template for shortcrust (pie base)
    • Small cutting template for puff pastry (pie lid.)
  4. Place a shortcrust base into each section of the pie maker. Press down on the pastry to ensure that it covers the entire cooking surface.
    • (HINT – roll an offcut of shortcrust party into a ball and pinch one end between your fingers. Use the balled up end to press the pastry into position. Doing so will reduce the chance of you burning your fingers).
  5. Add pie filling to the top of the shortcrust pastry.
  6. Add puff pastry lids to each pie and gently press into contact with shortcrust base. This will ensure the pie lid doe not slide off when the machine is closed.
  7. Cook until golden brown.
  8. Eat fresh, or bag them up and stick them in the freezer.